My profile - I post 3D print designs I think may be useful to someone.
My Instructables profile - A few old how-to guides and projects.
Coloring Sheets - Some coloring sheets that I drew up in Illustrator. Mostly geometric patterns.
Checklist to keep track of self-care habits for a week. Maybe useful for establishing good habits.
Self-Care Tracking
Sheet - Monday Start - Week starts on Monday version of the checklist.
Tracking Sheet - Sunday Start - Week starts on Sunday version of the
Self-Care Tracking Sheet -
Mostly Blank, Monday Start - Most goals are left blank if you want to use a bunch of your
own goals. Week starts on Monday version.
Self-Care Tracking
Sheet - Mostly Blank, Sunday Start - Most goals are left blank if you want to use a bunch of your
own goals. Week starts on Sunday version.